Divorce: Do well for yourself

If you have any questions, or to schedule an initial FREE consultation, call 1300 977 546 Practice Areas There Is No Denying That Separation and Divorce Bring Untold Stresses Into Your Life. There are many varying factors that make the process complicated, like the impact upon your children, custody, organising a family and divorce lawyer, […]
Are You Prepared?

If you have any questions, or to schedule an initial FREE consultation, call 1300 977 546 Practice Areas According to the NSW Government, 45 percent of adults in Australia don’t have a Will. What is Estate Planning? Estate Planning is the process of developing a strategy to manage your assets and investments when you die. Estate […]
Separation and Divorce – Maintaining Your Child’s Well-being

If you have any questions, or to schedule an initial FREE consultation, call 1300 977 546 Practice Areas With divorce comes a multitude of questions and concerns including future living situations, dividing of finances and uncertainty regarding custody arrangements. Yet, the most common concern parents have when seeking a divorce is for the welfare and […]
Why You Should Hire a Conveyancer or Property Lawyer

If you have any questions, or to schedule an initial FREE consultation, call 1300 977 546 Practice Areas Buying a house? Here’s Why You Should Hire A Conveyancer or Property Lawyer When you’ve been saving and dreaming for years about finding the right home, and that moment finally arrives when your offer is accepted and […]
The Stresses Of Divorce And How A Family Lawyer Can Help

If you have any questions, or to schedule an initial FREE consultation, call 1300 977 546 Practice Areas Divorce. The word rarely fails to stop you in your tracks, even if only for a second. Heart Wrenching. Sad. Uncertain. And yet, perhaps also hope and vision for a new or different life. Most likely if […]